Opening Hours


Tues - 09:00-17:00

Weds  - 09:00-17:00

Thurs - 09:00-17:00

Fri - 09:00-17:00

Sat - 09:00-17:00


Post Catagories


Newport Pagnell FA season tickets

Now available in the shop with prices held at the same as last year. Limited availability so don’t leave it too late!

If you are a predator fisherman we have a great selection of deadbait which can be enhanced with Holy Mackerel Oil which is now in stock

Christmas and New Year opening

This year’s fireworks on display in the shop

Extended Opening Hours

We have extended our opening hours to include Sunday and Monday for the next two weeks to cover the busy firework period.

Deadbait in stock

New range of deadbaits being stocked and they really look very good.

Gender reveal fireworks

A great way to add to your gender reveal party – a splendid firework with either pink or blue bursts


We will be open for these additional dates over the firework season:

Sunday 23 and 30 October – 09:00 – 14:00

Monday 24 & Monday 31 October – 08:30 – 17:30

Sunday 6 November – 09:00 – 14:00

Smoke Grenades

Now in stock, smoke wall grenades in either red or white or we have a three-colour smoke in red, white and blue.


Chinese New Year

If you are thinking of Chinese New Year celebrations this weekend we have all the fireworks you need to make your night a really special one.

All Year Round Price List

All Year Round Price List