Opening Hours


Tues - 08:30-17:00

Weds  - 08:30-17:00

Thurs - 08:30-17:00

Fri - 08:30-17:00

Sat - 08:30-17:00


Post Catagories


New Season Permits

MKAA permits for the 2013/2014 season are now available in the shop.

New permits in stock

We now have the new permits for Newport Pagnell Fishing Association in the shop.

You will need this from 1 April so if you are fishing over the Easter break come in and see us.


Adult tickets £36.00

OAP £12.00

Junior (12-16) – £5.00


Afternoon from Willards!!!!

Hope your all aware that we stock coal during the colder months along with kindling and Firelighters!!!

Pop in to grab a bag now and keep yourself warm!!!

We have Smokeless fuel as well as normal coal!

Sky Lanterns

We are stocking sky lanterns which can add a really special feel to the end of your halloween or bonfire night celebrations – these are even more effective when released in a group.

Available in the shop at £1.50 each.